WELCOME! Varied things today… I still practicing with the Cintiq. I would love to spend a week only drawing and testing tools but I had pending stuff to finish. But I made this Dark Knight completely digital (sketchs and inks) INKTOBER FINISHED It was a funny ride and a nice tribute to Steve Dikto. People asked me about the chance of a sketchbook like the Kirby tribute of 2017. The problem of the sketchbooks is my lack of time. With #Inktober pieces I had a limited number of packages and a couple of visits to the Postal Office. With the Kingtober sketchbook… Doing it was easy. Now you have a lot of internet sites where they print and send the stuff to your home. But later it was almost 200 packages and I have no time right now. So I´ll try to contact some editor friends and maybe doing a limited print run and they will manage the thing, but I don´t know what I´ll do yet.
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Close Encounters in the Inktober World
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WELCOME! Varied things today… I still practicing with the Cintiq. I would love to spend a week only drawing and testing tools but I had pending stuff to finish. But I made this Dark Knight completely digital (sketchs and inks) INKTOBER FINISHED It was a funny ride and a nice tribute to Steve Dikto. People asked me about the chance of a sketchbook like the Kirby tribute of 2017. The problem of the sketchbooks is my lack of time. With #Inktober pieces I had a limited number of packages and a couple of visits to the Postal Office. With the Kingtober sketchbook… Doing it was easy. Now you have a lot of internet sites where they print and send the stuff to your home. But later it was almost 200 packages and I have no time right now. So I´ll try to contact some editor friends and maybe doing a limited print run and they will manage the thing, but I don´t know what I´ll do yet.