Welcome to the VicDome
An edition about the end of my crowdfunding, why I'm a little tired of Batman and some recommendations, including a non-Squid Game Korean show
Hi my friends and…
And I can say…
I’m happy to announce that, even though we didn't get the 18000 € amount, the initial 385 backers contributed with 12300€ so Spaceman Project, platform and publisher, decided to contribute with the difference and finally the book will be printed.
BUT if you didn’t contribute in the first campaign, you still have the chance to buy the book with the special features included (a signed print and a sketchbook with all the storyboard of the graphic novel for free) before the book goes to press next year. It’s “Extended campaign mode”.
In fact, after the closing of the first campaign and the news about the publisher will launch the book, we immediately got 50 backers more. I’m sure some people didn't contribute during the last days because they thought that the book was not going to be funded, and I can understand this. So you know, if you are one of them or simply have discovered the book now or didn’t have the money but recently you received a substantial check you need to spend on comics, you have a new chance!
Don’t worry folks, I will remind you about Moon Eaters from time to time but without the level of spam of the latest weeks.
So the usual links, the book is available in two languages, Spanish and English, and it doesn’t matter where in the world you live. We can send it to you.
In English: https://www.spacemanproject.com/en/proyecto/moon-eaters/81
In Spanish: https://www.spacemanproject.com/es/proyecto/moon-eaters/81
During the crowdfunding month I have been chatting with readers and fellow authors about how hard it is to launch a new idea, a new series or whatever new, non related to franchises, reboots or 80 years of iconic characters. This subject is not something new in this newsletter (or in my life as creator).
This past weekend the DC FanDome was held and a new trailer of a Batman movie was released worldwide. A lot of people felt pretty excited. And I love Batman but for me it was like “Huh, Ok, another Batman movie, who are the bad guys in there? Yeah, it looks nice, you know, Batman is dark, he has his car, Catwoman looks pretty.” I want to say, I honestly am unable to feel this enthusiasm. I am 44 years old, how many Batman movies (or movies with Batman) have I seen? And it’s the same with James Bond, Star Wars or whatever. I enjoy them but at the end I feel like I am doing some kind of “social homework” watching them. I am more interested in commenting with my friends and making jokes about them than the act of watching them itself.
You could say: “Well, this is because you are a PREMATURE BITTER COLDGER!!”.
No! I can be enthusiastic (and really annoying when I love something). What really makes me feel like a kid with an overdose of sugar are new things, new characters never seen before, crazy concepts which make me think: “Oh my God, I NEED to watch this crazy shit”.
Again, you could say: “Oh yeah, you hate Marvel or DC superheroes because they don’t call you for drawing them”. Well, maybe you are right, I have a lot of friends working in the Big Two and they are truly fans who enjoy this universe as artists and readers. And I must say I buy and enjoy their books because THEY ARE DONE BY TALENTED ARTISTS LIKE THEM. It's people who make me feel excited.
Becuse I LIKE things, a couple of books I have been reading:
A man named doll by Johnathan Ames is a classic hardboiled novel with an unusual dark and twisted sense of humor and an even more unusual main character, this detective called Happy Doll. 100% Jonathan Ames. I loved his first crime novel You were never really here and this new book is very different but original.
Right now I am trying to be less hooked on social networks and one way is using the phone for other tasks. This evil machine has a very cool Kindle app and I use it to read short stories and articles in my short travels instead of checking twitter. Dead-End Jobs: A Hitman Anthology is perfect for it: Short and brutal tales about one of my favorite subjects, hitmen. It’s edited by an independent publisher called All due respect (one of the best names for a crime publisher I have ever seen) and they have a lot of books in Kindle format with cheap prices, so surely I will pick up more of them.
And finally I want to recommend you a Korean streaming series… And I am not talking about Squid Game! (although I saw it and enjoyed it a lot). My name is a crime/action story with a hard-as-nails heroine. I don’t want to reveal too much about the plot, but it’s something like Martin Scorsese’s the Departed but with dozen of stabs per episode.
And that’s all! I can’t keep the newsletter weekly like in the previous chapters due to the lack of time, but I will try to post twice a month minimum.
See you soon!
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